This statement alone proves the author to be an idiot and that he does not understand why the GOP is in the shape it is in now. I honestly do not think Trump will or can do half of the list, I hope he will be a different sort in the WH, if he gets there, BUT I really DO NOT think it is fair to say Hillary will do better than trump. She has never made a payroll, has had gov' jobs most of her life, and is a very liberal lady.Abortions decide many conservative voters, man you are asking for it if Hillary gets in ALL OVER THE WORLD! If I understand her position, even more liberal than today. For sure abortions go up if Hillary gets in, I do not think so with Trump. The wall can be built on a state of emergency order to thwart an invasion. Who is going to stop Trump on this?Deportations are enforcing current Federal Law. He can do it and by law he must.Elimination of the anchor baby loophole must be done by Congress. If they refuse he could try an emergency measure or he could request that the States convene a constitutional convention to make it law.In fact he could request that the convention of States deal with a number of things if Congress resists, like simplifying the tax code