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Rumors of Ted Cruz's demise greatly exaggerated

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Post subject: John Jett: Rumors of Ted Cruz's demise greatly exaggerated
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
In Texas at least, seemingly the last state in the union that prefers conservative substance over brash style. I don't know why but after the debate on Thursday I actually believed the pundits and strategists telling me I should vote for Rubio. I decided not to early vote until I could see if Rubio or Trump had taken the lead in Texas. Well, that doesn't seem likely to happen. I will continue to watch the polls, but after what has to be millions of dollars of advertisement here in Texas (literally every 5 minutes), Rubio has wasted money here instead of spending it where he has a better chance. As of right now, Cruz has the lead in at least 3 states (Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas), whereas Rubio is in third place in almost every contest. Rubio needs to withdraw. If he loves this country and the conservative movement like he claims, he would. If he did, he would be first-choice for the next election, hands-down. He's young, has a lot of time to win the party. He should withdraw and help deliver a true conservative.If by some miracle he makes it to the general election, I'll still vote for Rubio, but despite what the Bush supporters are trying to push, I don't believe them, it doesn't look like Rubio has gained any ground to me. I do like him a lot more than I did before Thursday, and he is now solidly my second choice, but somebody needs to withdraw and I think it should be Rubio.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Texas is likely the last State Cruz will win. Rubio will not win a single state. I hope some of you all will wise up and vote for Trump once he is the nominee and not believe the nonsense that he is worse than Hillary

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I can assure you I am wide awake and will never vote for the end of the only conservative party in America. Big-goverment, northern liberals used to dominate the Republican party, now we are in danger of a return to those days. I have friends that went to both Rubio and Trump's rallies here in Dallas/Fort Worth yesterday. They said the difference in the crowd was night and day. The Rubio crowd was polite and professional. The Trump crowd was like a teamster rally in New York (blue-collar, union types). I'm more convinced every passing day. I'm fairly certain you will have your way, the populist movements in history are always pretty powerful things, rarely do they achieve what the people thought they would. Rubio is a hack. He will not seal the border. Those who broke the law will become citizens and have political power in the country our ancestors founded if he is elected. Do you want that

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