No one is DEFENDING the man's position. He obviously is years behind the curve in how we should respond to women. However, my point was that this video was posted to humiliate someone. It served NO PURPOSE but to humiliate...AND, perhaps by proxy, to try to intimidate those of us who have some scriptural basis for questioning the General Assembly after General Assembly after General Assembly PUSH to place women in leadership.I've said it before: I won't lose any sleep if we vote in a women General Overseer. But I DO see some issues. I see people blatantly IGNORE the scriptures--or try to explain away--that relate to the headship of the man in the home, or of--gasp!--the woman being subject to her husband. EGADS!!! The people who wrote the Bible were the most pitiful, misogynistic, backward group of folks, weren't they?When the General Assembly turns something down, it shouldn't be allowed to come back for the next General Assembly dressed up in new clothes. That is DISRESPECT for the General Assembly. It says, in so many words, We are going to keep on disregarding the GA until we win. No, I'm not justifying this man. But I'm not going to try to humiliate him, either. Some, like OTCP, can't seem to get enough of the humiliation. Do we think this man hasn't heard it left and right for a long time now? Do we need to really keep on doing this?