No, it is not smart to quote Mussolini. But then again, few people know anything about Mussolini. When the Reich assassinated Austria's dictator and annexed the country(actually, 90% of Austrians were thrilled Hitler was annexing them), Mussolini begged Britain and France to form a military alliance with him to invade Germany and take out Hitler. And how was Mussolini rewarded for this suggestion? FDR pressured the UK to terminate its ties with Italy and Japan, which they did, and which drove both countries into the arms of Hitler. Furthermore, Mussolini openly resisted Hitler's demand to deport Italy's Jews. Many Axis nations did not hold to Hitler's racial views entirely.But since most people assume Mussolini was exactly like Hitler, and believe the over-simplified version of that era's history that is taught in America, it is not wise for Trump to quote Mussolini