Ted Cruz is an amazing person. He rose up from nowhere to serve as Attorney General of Texas. He served well and was elected to the U.S. Senate. While there, he was the only one who spoke openly against the Establishment in the presence of the Establishment. Takes a lot of guts to criticize powerful people while they are in the room. So Cruz did not back-bite them. He faced them.Because of that, it will be incredibly difficult for him to get their backing should he become President. Even some in his own party will do all possible to thwart his efforts to reform the government.Honestly, Trump is an unknown but one thing we know, is that nobody bullies the guy, and since he is self-funded, he is not beholden to anyone. He cannot be bought off. He is however now obligated to Chris Christie for endorsing him the day after he go slammed in the last debate. If I'm boarding a plane and someone says they know the pilot told a lie or that he has not revealed his taxes, my reply is, Can this guy fly this plane? Can he get me to where I need to go? They may say he is not a strict constitutionalist. That is important but the question remains, can he fly this plane?Our nation is broke and broken from a 21 Trillion Dollar Debt. I think Trump, more than any other candidate, has the clout to start getting that under control. I do believe he will stop other nations from taking advantage of our nation. If the country goes down, Trump has A LOT to lose. His family is here, much of his business is here. The guy sits at the top of a massive business empire that he built after a smaller start by his father.Do I particularly like some of his rhetoric? Sure don't. But I do like the hope he is already giving to a lot of people who feel totally betrayed by the Establishment. Can he actually win the nomination? That is going to be really tough with both the Demos and Repubs working against him. But he has a far better chance now than Rubio and Cruz. However, if it turns out that Cruz gets the nomination instead of Trump, I think Cruz would make a good President too. Rubio is the sharpest of them all, but he is now totally the Establishment candidate. If he wins, the same people who put our nation in jeopardy, will still be in charge.Doyl