I am not for isolationism, but I am for FAIRNESS. I don't think common sense adjustments will kill the goose. My man Perot said pass more of these Free trade agreements, and you will feel a big sucking sound as our jobs head South. He was right. Today I took a 4 mile walk. I passed 6 Textile mills that shut down in my home town due to FREE TRADE. There are 16 more shut down in this little town alone.One of the mills is now an import business. They hire 10 people, the mill did hire 350. Nothing wrong with requiring out military to wear uniforms made in the USA, or requiring 60% of the steel used in our bridges to be USA made. Someone is smart enough to figure a balance, not me, but someone is.I am not as sold as RS that Trump will/can do what he says. That is what we send those