I don't care for Trump's language, though I heard many times worse in the military and in some jokes preachers tell. There does seem to be a blank spot in his brain about how that loses him voters.BUT, I do like that he has has a proven record in business; a tremendously successful businessman. He has not just talked about it. He has done it. Obviously, he does not come to the table from a conservative religious background. But THIS GUY has shaken the political process. Yes, I would prefer a conservative Christian as President but at this point, I would choose someone who can get the job done in turning our nation around. At this time, it does not seem to be that those opposing Trump can get that done.THE ESTABLISHMENT hates Cruz but they are terrified of Trump. The fact that the Establishment is terrorized of him, may be one of the best things about Trump. He is not on their payroll, they cannot control him. Those who have LOST TWO elections to the Dems, are attacking Trump. They say he can't win. That is yet to be seen but I think he has a far better chance of winning than Cruz (who I like a lot). Our country is skidding into financial disaster, we are viewed around the world as feckless and weak, and do not even have the courage to secure our borders. By secure, I'm not just talking about those pouring across our Southern border, but also those who come in on a visa and never go home. There are more Chinese and people from India flowing in than Hispanics.We need immigration. I believe it is a strength, but for the first time in our history, we also have people coming here who want to see our nation destroyed. They have no plans of assimilating and becoming Americans.To turn this nation around is going to take a powerful person and though I like Cruz, he ain't that guy. Wish he was, but he isn't. So, though I DO NOT particularly like Trump, I DO like him as a choice to help get our nation back on track. Will he turn it around? I don't know but unlike the others, he has the ability to do that.The choice is now Trump or Cruz. I like Cruz but he is not a powerful enough personality to get done what needs to be accomplished to save our nation. And another term by Obama/Hillary, and our nation will continue to slip away.That's my opinion. I welcome you to share yours.Doyl