Recent questions posed by Eddie on the subject of impartation have produced some questions of my own regarding the subject. The word impart means simply to give. Since we live under the New Covenant, my questions are specifically related to a New Covenant/New Testament paradigm--not an Old Testament understanding. For example:1. Is there a biblical mandate, right, privilege or freedom to impart anything to anyone? If so, can an impartation be conducted at the discretion of the preacher, or only when prompted by the HS? As an example, some teach that one may speak in tongues at will, while others believe there must be a prompting of the HS.2. If so, is the impartation (the word impart in its most basic form means to give) limited to giving something of one's own (e.g., giving to someone in a service or one on one some spiritual truth, principle or word of wisdom), or, may a person impart something that is not one's own, i.e., something that belongs to someone else? Someone else's anointing? Someone else's ability to, for example, play piano or sing?3. When a preacher preaches a sermon, he/she is imparting to the hearer the truth of God's Word. This is certainly a biblical view/approach to impartation. Taking it further, does a preacher have the biblical right, privilege, benefit or freedom to impart to the hearer(s) specifics? For example, does a minister have the biblical right and subsequent authority to impart to a fellow believer: (1) the baptism of the HS; (2) a gift such as healing or working of miracles; etc.