Rubio got taken in by a bipartisan thing that got labeled the gang of eight. Finally someone did something toward immigration INSTEAD OF TALK and instead of rounding it out the GOP decided they did not want Obama nor the democrats to get any credit it was shot down.Now we are still talking IMMIGRATION, just as soon as we get the majority. RIGHT! or the right president. RIGHT.Rubio lost out because he actually tried to do something good. BTW I personally do not likethe dude, but he did so something, the rest just talk, talk, talk, promise, promise, etc etc gov't as usual.That my friends is what produced a TRUMP. Politics as usual. Some of us want something done and DO NOT CARE WHO GETS THE CREDIT.I had to laugh at one of our local guys in Belmont, NC running for city council. His poster says, Vote for me for LESS GOVERNMENT! How many men and women in politics have rode that horse to death. yada.... Some facts but mostly just my
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