I’ve been Pentecostal for over 35 years now and I’ve seen a lot of things. While healing and miracles still excite me, the usual shouting jumping rolling you typically associate with a spirit filled service doesn’t really amaze me anymore.However, what does impress / amaze me is when the Holy Spirit actively participates and directs a service.Here’s what I mean. I have a pastor friend who occasionally lets me in his pulpit to preach. His response to me before a service is usually a “We will let the spirit lead and see where it goes”.A few months back I was spending time with him and his wife, he hadn’t said anything prior about speaking on a Sunday but on Saturday night he looked at me and said: “Do you have a word you’d like to share tomorrow.” To which I replied: “I think I might”. I had a passage in mind but nothing written out, so I scratched out an outline on Sunday morning just before service. He led worship that morning and even though he had absolutely no idea what I was going to speak on, two of the songs he picked were exactly related to what I was preaching on. In addition, worship was incredible that day.In turned it over to me and I spoke a few minutes on Elisha.Then after service someone came up to me and said they definitely needed to hear what was spoken that morning, it helped them in a specific situation that was on-going.Now, I said all that to say this. The shouting, jumping and running the aisles, I’m used to seeing and I know it can be manipulated sometimes.What