If I identify as thirty 65-year-old oil workers, shouldn't the government be forced to pay me thirty social security checks?I'm not a member of the reservation. But I identify as one. Shouldn't I get a cut of the casino check?I'm not a child of the billionaire, but I identify as one. Shouldn't I get a cut of the inheritance?I'm not a woman, but if I identify as one, should I qualify for some kind of female college scholarship, and if I identify as black, can't I get some money from the United Negro College Fund? If I identify as a member of the EU, and that's my 'orientation', shouldn't I be given a passport so I can work over there?In places where the bathroom law passes, men can identify as cross-dressing lesbian women. They still dress like men and like women, but since they identify as women, they can hang out in the women's locker room and look around