I think leaders are chosen and gifted by God. I think the bible bears this out. I look at countless examples like the parable of the coins. Each man has his gift and abilities. Some people are simply not cut out to be leaders. And there's nothing wrong with that. If everyone tries to lead, then nothing ever gets accomplished. I love the example of Moses. At first, he was eager to lead in Pharaoh's palace. When God was ready for him to lead, he was reluctant. When I identify someone in our congregation as a leader (usually others affirm that gift and it is evident), I do everything I can to affirm, encourage, equip, and release them into ministry. I have pastored churches where there were precious few leaders and I made the best of the situation. I am always cautious of someone who comes in with a zeal to lead a ministry right away. Not because I am jealous (I'm glad when anyone wants to demonstrate godly leadership ), but because I believe time is necessary to evaluate character and temperment.