The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution says:The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This Right to Privacy (as defined by the courts) has been used in various ways to both restrain government overreach into the personal lives of citizens (and non-citizens) and is the foundation principle used (I think incorrectly) to justify abortions, deviant behavior between adults, legalized drug use, etc. It is my contention that the biological acts of urination and deification have the same protection from under the Fourth Amendment as other previously mentioned activities already defined as protected by the courts. I would include the act of showering/bathing and dressing in this list. Since there are already laws against viewing (in person or by camera) a person who is using the restroom, bathing or dressing/undressing, it seems that government as a obligations to insure that all restroom activities in public accommodations and institutions provide for the privacy of each individual no matter their gender or sexual orientation. Just as White and Colored restrooms were ruled unconstitutional (and rightly so), so every one should have the right to use the restroom in private.It is time for Christians to embrace their Fourth Amendment rights in public setting and demand restrooms that will ensure their privacy. As I wrote on another thread:It's time to re-plumb America. All restrooms are to be individual, with one toilet and one sink, as well as a locking door. No male/female signs and no urinals. The right to privacy for all who need togo. First come, first serve, not by gender or age, just need. The same for locker rooms, private showers and changing areas. Let's use right to privacy where it matters most.This means the government must provide you accommodations in City Halls, Police Stations, Courthouses, government offices of all types, public parks, hospitals and schools that receive tax money, and any other public institution. Now Paul said to Christians don't take each other to court, but its time to take our un-Christian government to court, and should you be in a Target Store Restroom and someone violate your privacy, sue the store.