Why do people hate Cruz? Is it because he is conservative? Is he a true jerk? Although I'm not thrilled by any of the candidates, I'd have to say he would be the one I prefer because of his conservatism, but I can't say I like him, just I like that he is conservative. It doesn't mean I don't like him either. I'm just curious as to the reasons, except for philosophical. If it is because he is rocking the Republican establishment, I have no problem with that. If he is indeed a jerk, I would like to know that. The biggest impact that could have on me is if he is also a jerk, it would reduce his effectiveness even more. If it is because he is just telling the truth, then so be it. I am a conservative far more than I am a Republican. I'm sick of the caving in of Republican's and Republican's unwillingness to reduce spending either. It is simply a matter that they spend money in other areas than the Demo's.Personally, I do wish Bernie would win the Demo nomination simply because it would be the first time in 75 years that the demo's would be running an honest campaign of who they really are. At least Bernie is honest about it!