Thanks Cojak! I want a first time guest to have as little anxiety as possible on their visit. Most of us are so conditioned to church stuff that we forget how intimidating it can be to enter a new and unfamiliar situation. I'm not going to boast that we have a ton of walk-ins because we don't. We see new faces all the time and try to retain them but we realize some are simply passing through (like Cojak) or they want to shop around (for lack of a better term). I know some don't like it because it smacks of tradition, but I enjoy providing a bulletin. I think an order of service is nice because it gives a first-time guest an idea of how the service will progress. This is especially helpful if you're doing something out of the ordinary (i.e. Communion ). I remember visiting a church for the first time as a kid and the preacher got out a basin and said they were about to commence to washin feet . Not being familiar with any of that, I freaked out