I thought for years that surely the Presidential candidates couldn't get any worse. I was so wrong!I have been following Presidential campaigns since 1964 when I was 9 years old. Hands down, the candidates in this election are the worst. As bad as Obama was, Romney was much better, in spite of his faults. We now have the choice of a shrill, hateful, crooked woman and a man with the apparent vocabulary and social skills of a 5th grader. I hate to say it, but Hillary, with her shrill voice, is more Presidential than Trump. Trump is seemingly incapable of behaving as if he is older than his emotional peers at Eastside Elementary School. What a depressing choice. I thought Carter was a disgrace to the dignity of the Office with his ill advised decisions to carry his own suitcase to his car or to wear sweaters in an apparent attempt to get ordinary citizens to turn down their thermostat during the winters. At least Carter had a vocabulary.Who knows what Trump actually believes? Unfortunately, we all know what Hillary believes.