Let's break those downTrump wants to return America to where it was economically - and is the only one that talked about it consistently in the campaign. Every single politician EVER has said the same. Find one that doesn't want to improve the economy. It was Bill Clinton's mantra.He wants to balance the budget - and any member of Congress that voted for the last budget bill is absolutely NOT conservative on this...so at least he is not on record with anextra trillion dollar deficit. By saving social medicine and making sure nobody dies on the street, not conservativeHe wants to end political correctness. I'll give you that, but that's border-line populism (not that its wrong, but its not necessarily a hallmark of conservatism or liberalism.he wants to stop open borders. PopulismHe wants to stop nation building around the world. Libertarianism (I actually agree with him here)We won't be the World's policeman for free. Populism and contradictory to the no nation building claim. Either you will do it or not, paying for it assumes you WILL do it.He says he is pro-life - and before you criticize that - review the last 40 years of success in the pro life movement....<crickets chirping>....Trump may indeed be the only one to FINALLY succeed in putting in a modest amount of curbs to unlimited abortion. If he can stop third trimester abortions legislatively - he would be more successful than all the conservative guys we have elected in 40 years combined. This is the same he MAY do this or that, we'll have to see A lot of risk, but if he becomes president, he'd better. But to the point of whether he's conservative. He is at best, newly conservative on this position, he had never thought through the process and answered exactly opposite of how conservatives see the issue in that he would hold the mothers' responsible for abortion when it is often coerced by men or family, it is the, so-called, Doctors who are always at fault and anyone conservative for more than just a few months would have thought it through. Trump talks tough - and will compromise from his positions - and at least get something done on all of his agenda...instead of getting 100% of Obama's agenda passed.Obama never got his gun legislation through, and that was his number 2 goal behind social-medicine. But this point has left the conservative or not discussionSo I say he is the MOST conservative in actuality. No, nothing he has said and done says he is conservative, His words are I'm a 'practical' conservative whatever that means. And what it means is that other conservatives are not practical. He also cast doubt on Ronald Reagan as not being very conservative. Ronald Reagan, the torch bearer of conservatism.Tired of the conservative fantasy of Bushism, and Ryanism and Boehnerism. Those conservatives failed miserably.