One purpose of the board is so viewers can ask questions for which they have not received answers from official sources. People who spend their life in support of the COG, time and funding, are not out-of-line when they want to know where funds they contribute, are going. In this case, nearly a million dollars is a lot to most people.Those who spend their life within the COG, should NOT HAVE TO BEG for information from any elected official. The denomination could simply be forthcoming. Why don't people call headquarters or talk to theri AB about such things? Because they are afraid such inquiriers will hurt their ministry within the COG - afraid it will stigmatize them as being a troublemaker. Would that happen in every case? Depends on who they are talking to at headquarters. All it takes is one person there or at the state office who don't like being questioned, know the drill.In most cases, the reason they bring a question to the board is because the info has been withheld from them. Asking questions in the COG, has often in the past met with hostility - especially financial questions. Is it better now? Some say it is, but that will depend on who you are talking to