Rubio looked pretty bad in one of those debates, and seemed to lose a lot of steam. He and Trump didn't get along too well. I don't think Trump really likes Rubio, and Rubio wasn't very positive toward Trump having the nomination. There has got to be some Hispanic out there that he hasn't combated if he wants to pull in the Hispanic vote.Maybe he could find a Black Hispanic handicapped woman. He may just go with Carson, who has reconciled with him and who has come out in support of him. I don't see how that would help him much, but maybe he could push Carson around a little easier than someone like Christie, who also supported him. Carson is probably qualified to be surgeon general. I can't see him asking Cruz, although I wouldn't mind Cruz as a VP or even president. Cruz has a likeability problem. I think Gingrich would have a big likeability problem. Cruz comes off as a bit wooden and stern. Gingrich seems kind of smug to me. Now that Cruz is out, if Fiorina would forgive the face comment, she might make a good 'outsider' choice, and women who might vote for Hillary because she is a woman, but don't like her for whatever reason, they might vote for a woman VP. Maybe not. It might not win him any ground with women. Kasich seems like a very logical choice. An outsider with no political or governmental experience teamed up with an insider with experience balancing state and federal budgets, a former senator and governor. Kasich would appeal to Democrats who aren't extreme left, too. He's kind of boring, neutral, but likeable enough. I think he's the kind of guy that most people would not really hate, unlike Trump and Hillary. And some voters would say At least if Trump dies, that other guy seems okay, and he would be president. A Hillary-Sanders ticket might be a dream ticket-- for the Republicans