Camp Meeting 2016 begins Monday the 23rd at 7:00.Kenny Morris, Senior Pastor of the First Assembly of God,Ellisville, MS will be preaching. For those who know Bro Morris, that's all I have to say.For those who have never experienced his ministry, I extend a heartfelt invitation to come and see for yourself what the fuss is all about.GPS: 116 Lake Wanda Rieta Road, Summerville, GA.This will mark the 23rd consecutive year Bro Morris has preached this meeting.Oh yeah, we eat after every service in the fellowship hall which is incentive enough for me to attend. In times like these, we need to hear what this man of God has to say.Also, on Thursday and Friday night, Bro Tim Cauley, Senior Pastor of the Forts Lake A/G in Moss Point, MS is planning to be in attendance and if so will minister in song.Simple order of service.1 Congregational song (red back hymnal)1 special songBro Kenny gets the microphone and we all hang on Charles A. HutchinsSenior Pastor SPWCCongregational Church of