I didn't want to hijack Marty Baker's thread to ask this question.I believe there is an assumption that every church has young people or young adults attending and active in every church and if you don't then it's the pastors fault along with everything else that is problematic in the church.I'm sure I'm not in this boat alone, for the most part, the age range in my church is late 40's to early 90's.The youngest person in my church is my 30 yr old son. I do have grandparents that will bring their grandchildren when they are allowed to bring them and I feel sorry for my son. He is heading up our children's church and doing a great job with it. This is the first year this church has had ever had kids go to camp. But, he only has kids every few weeks. One week he will have one and the next week he'll have seven, and then the next few weeks he doesn't have any.I have a couple who is in their 90's as my greeters, women in their late 40's as nursery workers, a couple who are in their 60's teaching on Wednesday night, another couple who is in their 60's as event planners, and another couple in their 50's doing a Help's ministry.The age range of our praise team is 40 - 60 years old.All of these people love the Lord and people, but when a young couple or a young person visits, all they focus on is the gray hair and not the people themselves.When I contact visitors, I hear the same from all of them, I/we enjoyed the service and I/we felt the presence of the Lord and I/we have not experienced that in a long time and I/we will be back... for some I have been waiting over three years. I will see them in local stores and they tell me, we have go to get back to church and we'll see you soon... But it's like if you're the only young person or couple in the church, then there must something wrong with the church and no one wants to be part of a church with problems.These people STILL have a lot to offer, but as it has always been, after your 40th birthday, it's time for you to get out of the way and let the younger people do what you use to.Please, don't read into this for anymore than what it is. My church is truly a loving and friendly church, we just don't have any people younger than my 30 year old son.