Personally, I have no problem with women being in the ministry. I have a lot of respect for women preachers. My Grandmother Daughtery, was already preaching when Grandpa got saved and started out in ministry at age 57. He had been Sunday School Superintendent until then. Ten years later when he died at 67, Grandpa was serving as a state overseer. He would tell you that he thought Grandma was a better preacher then he was. A few years after Grandpa's death, when she was 70 years old, Grandma went alone to Casper, Wyoming to pastor a church that was so small no man would take it. She stayed there four years, built the church up in attendance so men wanted to pastor there, and then she retired. Casper, Wyoming ain't the end of the world but you can see it from there.So once again, I have much respect for women preachers. I think if they do the work, they should be allowed to enjoy moving up in position.However, it seems the Bible is not supportive of how I feel about women being in ministerial authority. So, when asked about women preachers, I try to be truthful. As far as I'm concerned, with so many headed for Hell, it should be All hands on deck! Let's get everybody who will serve, up and going as soon as possible.If somebody is drowing and someone throws them a lifeline, unless they are really stupid, the drowing person won't ask, Was that a woman who threw that? If so, no way. I'm waiting on a man to rescue me.Preaching is one thing. Being in ministerial authority, is another, We can twist and pull and try to make Scripture mold into our desire for women to be able to be fully Ordained, but listen, stop insulting us. Ordaining women can be passed at our Assembly, but not because Scripture is supportive of it. So, the COG stands at an interesting crossroads. Will it conform to Scripture or to what is now considered to be politically correct?Since there does not seem to be much desire to conform to Scripture on this issue, and political correctness rules these days even in church, I will be surprised if the COG does not pass allowing women to be Ordained. Which of course means they can serve as state overseers ect. Which state will be the first?