Okay, calling all of you who have a nose for hoaxes. What do you say? There was a story on the news about a female vet who claimed to have found a note on her car when she parked in a vets only parking space. She posted the note that was supposedly put on her car on Facebook.This sounded so much like a story that had happened last year, I wondered if it really happened again the same way. The top part of the note and the second part of the note have somewhat different handwriting. Note especially how the r is formed in the top half as opposed to the bottom half.Now the female vet is claiming to somehow have gotten an apology.I would love to have a look at the store security camera to see if anyone actually approached her car while she was parked in the vets only space.www.foxnews.com/us/2016/06/15/us-navy-veteran-receives-scolding-note-after-parking-in-veterans-space-at-store.htmlShe is claiming now to have an apology note (not sure how she obtained it) in a bit of a different handwriting.