www.express.co.uk/news/politics/683739/EU-referendum-German-French-European-superstate-BrexitPeople are saying that Hitler will wind up getting what he wanted, a united Europe under German rule. I beg to differ. As crazy as Hitler was, he actually cared about his own people. Though barbaric and wrong, he really believed his atrocities were necessary to save the Aryan race from an international clique that wanted to rule the world. The current German Chancellor is the anti-Hitler who is actually in league with the very international clique Hitler was fighting and seems bent on supplanting the native Europeans with Muslims. Her desire is to make it legally impossible for an EU member state to exit the union as Britain did in order to ensure that none can escape the Muslim invasion and the grip of the international banksters. I expect harsh reprisals to be brought against the UK.All I can say is Heil Putin!