My dear Bradford, you hold a degree in jurisprudence. Such a degree highlights the principles of presentation and debate. You come on Acts and try to influence doctrinal/biblical/theological positions with the skills of jurisprudence--positions you once held, but have exchanged them for that which is more palatable to the human psyche. Save the debate for the courtroom. Jurisprudence, when set in juxtaposition with correct biblical exegesis, is at its very best faulty. Now stop sinning! My dear Old Timer, you apparently don't know anything about a degree in jurisprudence. There's no debate. Simple reading of a one-line title doesn't take a law degree. It's simple enough for a hilljack from Harlan County like myself or Pikeville, like yourself I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: