One doesn't need to hint that you can get ahead in the COG or any other church or business if you have a recognizable name associated with that organization. No hint is necessary, it is true. It is obvious. But you do not decide whose home you are born in. As a kid I sometimes thought it would have been nice to have a millionaire for a dad, but I didn't, my dad was a COG preacher.Some folk consider the name a blessing, others a curse. WE all know of mistakes that have been made in promoting names. But we also know the COG has been blessed by someone 'connected'.Loran L. did not have a big name in NC, but his wife's family did. ANY ONE who listens to Loran for more than 5 minutes can tell you he can carry the water and load the train.One of the biggest COG mistakes was Earl P. Jr., No one could deny the man could speak, he could present a message. I heard him many times on Forward in Faith. His daddy and mine were close friends. I do not know if Bro Earl sr promoted Jr or if folks who saw potential did. But in the long run it was a mistake.So don't hold it against a man because of his name, it is our system that allows it. Many PK's are pastoring small churches and will never 'hold office', others will become General Overseers. As my grand kids would say, ' IT IS WHAT IT IS!' Some facts but mostly just my
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