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Law enforcement, your experience? Good or Bad?

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Post subject: Cojak: Law enforcement, your experience? Good or Bad?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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There was once an ongoing feud on ACTS between the Chancellor and Memory about law enforcement. The Chancellor seemed to believe most police were ego run, and power hungry, while Mem was pro law enforcement, 100%.In my 77 years the BAD experiences I have had were traffic violations. I am not a fast driver. I have had 5 tickets in my life, 3 were deserved but two were out and out lies. I and my witnesses were practically laughed out of court. Once in Shelby, NC the Judge even said, Do you know how many times a day I hear, 'I am not guilty' every day? And like this time, most times I believe the officer, YOU are Guilty!I left the court that day as a young marine in uniform, wanting to shoot up the town, seriously.I have a son who would run The Chancellor a good race in his opinion of law enforcement and it comes from an experience I remember well from his youth. I was there and learned a HUGE lesson, there is morally right and legally right.Let me say right off, no matter what I know and have experienced, I am pro law enforcement. If we had no police, I would be afraid to live in this great country. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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About 40 years ago a friend and I went fishing and had a 6 pack of beer. we fished all day , drank the beer and was heading home that night. We had picked up all of our beer cans and threw them in the back floorboard of my car. I made a wrong turn on a one way street and was pulled over. The policeman issued me a ticket for illegal transportation of alcohol because there was a few drops left in the cans. The only ticket I have ever got and it cost me $40 back then. I learned a lesson ... either dont drink beer or leave your garbage ..

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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In all the ole timers years, I aint had but 2 instances where the cop was a smart aleck an belligerent. But I had enough sense when I was stopped not to become belligerent an a smart aleck my own self. I had enough sense not to pull a gun on a cop. I had enough sense to say yes sir and no sir, to respect the cop's authority, an to not act like a stupid thug.

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Post subject: diakoneo:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I have had good and bad experiences...more good than bad.I have received tickets I deserved and that I did not.I have been given far more grace than justice from them though, especially considering the times I was speeding, running too close from the caution to the red light or slowing down rather than stopping at a stop sign. And you can catch a lot more flies with honey than you can lemons

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Most adults know how to be respectful even in nasty situations. In my 'bad' situations of course I was respectful. I have heard a 'Yes Sir' said like YOUCAN KISS MINE. It sorta rubs a man the wrong way.I had a young marine driving my car as we were leaving Camp Lejeune. I saw a state patrol do a U turn and head for us. I told Mickey to pull over and wait. We did. The patrolman was very nice and asked to see Mickey's license.Mickey being a smart Alec, said, Which one officer, drivers, pilots, fishing,,,,, That was a far as he got. the door came open and that big cop pulled Mickey out by the collar and slapped him up against the car.Mickey showed him his Driver's license. The patrolman was looking for a car like mine that had been stolen. No ticket of course, but we were wondering if Mickey was going on home with us. LO Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I bet ole Mickey felt like Mickey Mouse when at copper pulled him outta the car.

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Yeah, and we all wanted to see him weasel out of that. We really wanted to leave him with his new friend. lo Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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You are absolutely right. I am not sure of today. Down inside this old mind I think race relations have taken a giant step backwards. Looking back to the time about ten years after segregation was outlawed in the south, I thought relations began to thaw. As a matter of fact I thought we were getting to the point where we could talk. Of course much of my life was in the military and I do not remember any big problems....... BUT NOW???? I am not sure. I remember telling my wife a few years after MLK jr's time, If I was black, I would probably be pretty militant.I was raised in the south by parents who 'never saw color' (that I could tell) they only saw souls, and taught their family that. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Well put OT.

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I've probably told this story before, but it's probably been a while, so I'll rehash it. I feel reasonably certain one of the cops taking the report when I wrecked doing a paper route stole a $20 bill from the manila envelope I had in the front floorboard. Some dear lady had taken me to get a drink of water and get my bloodied face cleaned up. While I was gone, the cops got there, and one stapled the envelope all around (which was weird). The money was just crammed into the envelope where I had been collecting from the convenience stores. I'm sure they thought I wouldn't miss a $20. Even though the bills weren't neatly stacked, I had invoices to tell me exactly how much money I was to collect.I never reported it, though. The wreck was a traumatic incident, it was my fault, but I wasn't ticketed (even though I had been fairly snarky during the process). I guess at the time I just wanted to get it all behind me, but if I think about it, I still consider it an injustice. When Chief Charging Battery got there, one of the cops asked him about why I acted the way I had and he told them some cops had stopped by our apartment a few months prior and given me a hard time. And that's another story...There wasn't anything I had done wrong, but the cops woke me up one Saturday morning. Chief Charging Battery was not yet home from his paper route. When I saw the cops, I thought they were coming to tell me Chief Charging Battery had been killed in a car wreck. So my nerves were falling apart by the time I grabbed a robe and ran to the door. Then I got confused because they started asking for Chief Charging Battery. On account of the fact that I acted visibly nervous, they did not believe me when I said he wasn't there. I can remember one of them saying, He's going to jail, ma'am. Why they stick ma'am on a lie like that, I just don't know. Later that day, all the miscommunications got cleared up... well, most of them. Chief Charging Battery did not go to jail; he got in touch with the officers and they apologized to him (BUT NOT TO ME) about the miscommunication, and I learned a hard lesson about the cryptic way my husband talks that might have alerted me that something was amiss had I only known to press him when he says something that sounds just a little off. I wrote a letter to the police chief of Raleigh and complained about how the situation was handled. I got a follow up call asking if I wanted to file a formal complaint. I declined; I said I just wanted to make someone aware of the situation.Once when I came out of the K-Mart on Western Blvd. in Raleigh many years ago, I had a note on the windshield of my car saying something to the effect of, If I had been on duty, you would have a pocketful of summonses. Grow up. So either a cop with his drawers in a wad or a twerp impersonating a police officer. I considered following up on that, but I decided to let sleeping dogs lie.Speaking of dogs, once when a deputy of the local sheriff's dept. came out to our house to answer a complaint I had called in about my neighbor, our black lab mix mongrel went to greet him, tail wagging. The deputy had his hand on his gun, and I thought he was going to shoot my dog. Whew. Fortunately, someone who owned that adopted stray before we got him had taught him to sit at command, and I told Blacky to sit. Good grief.More recently, I called to report that my car had been shot by someone with a paintball gun as I drove home. I told the officer my house number and that I would leave my porch light on. Despite that, she went to the house across the street and then the house next door before coming to mine. I wanted to give her a little instruction on the odd numbers being on one side and the even on the other, but I refrained. She mentioned that I didn't have my number on my house. I guess she either had poor training or else had sized me up as not a threat, because she turned clean around to look at my mailbox when I said my number was on my mailbox. smhSo, corrupt, unprofessional, paranoid, or inept, I'm just not too impressed.Oh, and I was once profiled--a cop was stopping young white girls at the edge of town where the speed limit went from 35to 55. That was back when I tried to obey all the traffic laws, but my VW beetle speedometer was broken (and I was going faster than I realized, probably because the guys at my summer job had tried to harass me that day--they had been stopped from wetting me down with a hose, but at the end of the day, one of the guys poured a cup of water on my head as I was leaving).

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