NBF. I hate U of F, but I always liked Tebow and the guy that always beat my beloved Peyton Manning? His name escapes me. I guess I shouldn't say I hate Florida, it had more to do with Steve Superior Even Spurrier (yes I do know his name) gained a measure of respect when he did what he always said he would do and hang up his hat when he wasn't able to coach further. At this point, I guess I mostly hate Florida for having Tennessee's number, regardless of the coach Also, having worked at the University of Central Florida years ago, I didn't like it that U of F got more than their fair share of State Appropriations I was a Florida State Fan when Bobby Bowden was there, but not that much of a fan now. I've been gone from Florida for over 20 years. I was even liked Tebow before he was drafted by Denver (and I'm a huge Denver fan back to the 1970's Orange Crush defense). Tebow had class, conviction, and great Christian example.I still think, in the right system, he could be a QB. Who says you have to do it like everyone else. All he did was win! I think his Christianity hurt his football and that is OK. I wish he would be a running back if they won't use him as a Qb and I wish he would recognize that and be one. But, I still think he could be a QB as he knows how to win, isn't that the overall purpose anyway? I didn't like that Denver got rid of him and I love John Elway, but that said, Elway did get his ring with Manning, so I guess it worked out.Yes, I fully realize the defense won Manning that final ring, but at the same time, I don't know enough about the intracies of FB to know that he may have contributed more in that Superbowl than it appeared to this novice.