My thoughts: Nashville as a whole: 2 A poor venue for the Assembly. Expensive hotels, expensive parking, etc. It was just not a good place for the type of event we have. There is a LOT of movement taking place at General Assembly. Every movement cost money, in the form of tipping hotel parking attendants, event parking fees, and restaurant valet parking you name it.....or else it cost in the form of paying cab fares. Tough place to get aroundMusic City Center: 1. All events scattered out. Little security.... Parking there was a rip-off. Also surprised at the lack of vending machines, concessions, etc? Finally, I wondered what we were going to do, on the 4th floor, if there was an emergency. Food: 7. Had some great meals while in town. Enjoyed several places on Broadway. Business Sessions: 7....I was moved by the communion and foot washing. Frustrated by some of the typical over the top arguments that people make. I thought Mark Williams did a great jobmoderating and leading the whole week. Mitch Maloney's speech was one of the most powerful moments I've ever witnessed. Overall, I'd give this Assembly a 6Points deducted because of logistical challenges of Nashville and the skimpy General Council Agenda