Maggebet stated:By far the most prominent and almost exclusive designation for Believers since the beginning of the Church is Christian. Yet, to be used exclusively as a designation it is only found three times in the New Testament - Acts 11:2626:28; 1 Peter 4:16.Acts 11:25reveals it was at Antioch where the disciples were first called Christians.Obviously Christ is the English rendering for the Greek for Messiah, Christos. The verb were called is from the Greek chrematizo, meaning to transact business. To transact business under a particular name resulted in being called by that name.[/b]So, it was in Antioch the Disciples transacted business in the name of Christ and the general public had grown accustomed to hearing the name of Jesus Christ.The Disciples distinguished themselves in their conduct in Jesus Christ's name drawing attention to the Gentiles who also wanted to be Christ-like, or Christians (the suffix ian means relating to, relating to Christ.So, whether out of admiration or ridicule, believers were first tagged as Christ-like, belonging to Christ, at Antioch, a name enduring both he best and worst of times. It is a name associated with themes devout and the most devious, men and women who were holy and some who were hateful, some serving as examples of life transformed by Jesus Christ, some who have used and abused the name of Jesus Christ.Christians and Christianity is both revered and reviled.Perhaps Disciple would be a good alternative but then we would really have to be Jesus' disciple and that is a different issue.