JD, I will vote for something I am not sure of over something I am SURE OF. Really not much different than I have voted in the past several elections, I seem to vote for what I think is the lesser of two evils. I have to admit in the beginning I was a Bush man. Jeb was a good governor for us I thought. But when he became obsessed with shooting Rubio instead of the present admin and Hillary. I switched a couple times, I was disappointed in the whole bunch.No, Trump is not the best of business men. (I could go on with the negatives) but he has done more than the present president has ever done and more than Hillary has ever done. Yes he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but despite his failures he has made SOME payrolls. He definitely irritates the fire out of me, but ............ I hope to prevent a continuation of the present policies. IF POSSIBLE. This is the worst combination of candidates we have ever had, but as I have said, I threw away a vote once, I will not do it again. I will vote for Trump....... I honestly believe he is better bet than Hillary. Some facts but mostly just my
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