RS I think you are mixing meanings and happenings. It was mentioned, only a couple voices on his forum have said Hillary is the best candidate. Only one or two have hinted they would vote for her.But you have some fair Republicans (who want to be re-elected themselves) who feel forced to distance themselves from some of Trumps 'strange actions'. The last of which was even mentioning 'disparagingly' a man talking about the death of a son who died in service (of cancer, car wreck, suicide ANY DANGED REASON).Yea even my son says 'Trump said the son was a hero! Sure he did. His statements came across as 'uncaring' any man's voice would have. He just as well have said, Yeah your son was a hero, but why even talk about the PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD, you Idiot! What's wrong with your wife? CAt got her tougue?The man can think only of himself, when asked if he had sacrificed? Instead of saying something like not like these folk who have given life and limb, but I guess I have sacrificed as much as Hillary? I cannot blame some of the leaders from distancing them selves. He seems to enjoy alienating people who TRY to support himAll that said, yep he is there under the Republican name. He is the only one who even has a distant chance to defeat Hillary, so Yep I will vote for him. 'I am an 'Anyone but Hillary' voter.Yes I have written and e-mailed my opinions to Trumps Campaign manager. I am sure He is giving Trump MY advice tonight, LOL Some facts but mostly just my
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