I don't know about you all, but I feel that in the American Church, we are severely under-equipped to deal with mental and emotional problems in our congregations. In my circles, I am surrounded by wonderful, Christian people, who fight anxiety and depression. Others have dealt with suicidal thoughts, schizophrenia, and other disorders.. Several of my friends have children on the autism spectrum as well. I've never dealt with this before, especially in such highly concentrated numbers. It really seems that so many people these days are battling mental and emotional issues, as well as the physical issues we normally deal with. It's just recently that The Church has begun to talk about these issues. For years, it's just been swept under the rug as spiritual problems. Years ago, I dated a girl who is textbook bipolar, but when I spoke with her parents about it, they believed she was simply being oppressed by demons... Bad theology and mental problems don't mix well. So is anyone on here proactively addressing this in your church? Are you seeing the same trends? What are you doing about it? How are you helping people deal with the everyday battles they face? How are you trying to simply understand ---------My Facebook www.facebook.com/theB3