This old man was born and raised in a parsonage. Dad & Mom considered the COG one big family. When I left home and attended a church close to Camp Lejeune, I even recognized the pastor from CAmp meetings. The songs were the same as my home church. It was like , well familiar.For a few years after it remained the same. Mississippi, same songs in the choir, same family friendly folk and the pastor became like a brother within weeks and we were home again. Missouri and Tennessee the same.We travel around now and I do not recognize what is called 'Praise songs', There are so many different ones. I thought all songs were praise songs or choruses. But each church has newer or more catchy ones. I ain't fussing, I didn't swell up like a toad and stomp out. I'm old, I appreciate youth. BUT this church had attendees 99% my age. The pastor was the kid and he was pushing 50.I'll Fly Away would have had everyone of them clapping and singing. LOL. I miss songs with 3-4 verses written by good COG fellows like VEP, Ward, etc.The reason I slipped in the 'I'll Fly Away' name, was a few weeks ago we visited the Wildwood church. Sis. Powers on the piano leading the Praise team (a good one), and things were going on smoothly, when She did a loud run on the piano and belted out 'I'll Fly Away', us old folk came alive.I know we are never going back, and that is okay. But to speed up the heart rate of us old folk, an 'I'll Fly Away', 'Power in The Blood' or 'All the Heroes will Be There On That DAy' is a nice treat for us aged members. WE did have a good visit today, the pastor was very friendly and what I could understand of the sermon was a blessing. AS I said, I realize things change, they always have. I love to see youth active in a church and I don't mind backing them, but I still see the elderly, and they need a little stirring also. Some facts but mostly just my
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