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None of the Disciples had a "Doctorate."

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Post subject: doyle: None of the Disciples had a "Doctorate."
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I'm all for preachers obtaining all the education possible. We live and work in an incredibly diverse and complicated population. Within our ministerial ranks, having Dr. before your name can be a good thing as far as educational issues are concerned.However, unless it is concerning medical issues or education, the general public don't care about Dr. in front of a preacher's name. They spend as little time as possible with the doctor.The Disciples were on such a first-name basis, until we don't even know their last names.Though they did not have a Doctorate, real or bestowed in honor, they were all chosen of God, and were used to launch Christianity. If anyone deserved to use that title, it probably was Apostle Paul, but in addition to his knowledge, his prowess was in courage and being filled with the spirit.As we look at church history in America, and it seems the more titles ministers in an organization have, the slower the organization goes. I think that is because there becomes a growing distance between the common man and the title-holders. Out here in the field, people do not give a rip what title you have in ministry. What they want is someone who they feel cares about them, someone who they feel can touch God on their behalf. Of course, people with a title can do that too, but in most cases, the only time people even think of the word Dr. is when they are physically sick.Though I continue to further my education, and hope to always do so, in praying for hundreds of different patients and staff at our hospital, not one of them has asked if I have a doctorate. Not even the doctors I've prayed with have asked that. When he was pastor of Time Square Church in NYC, David Wilkerson stopped trying to get ministers from his church, credentialed with the AG. As far as I know, he did not have anything against the AG, but he supposedly said that many of his most effective ministers were God-called men and women who had street smarts. They knew how to reach people,but they were having difficulty passing the AG ministers exams. In some cases, they did not read good enough to even take the exam.Once some people reach the doctorate stage, they began to push for higher and higher educational requirements for people to become ministers in that organization. Which reminds me of a story I heard concerning a Presidential election near the turn of the century from the 1800's to the 1900s.Both candidates were in NY City at the same time; one to speak with a meeting of college presidents - the other spoke to cab drivers in the city. When asked why he chose to speak to the cab drivers instead of college presidents, he supposedly said, That question is easy to answer. There are a lot more cab drivers than there are college presidents. He later won the election.That's my opinion. What's yours?Doyl

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Yes it is an issue honor or earned, when the education (title) takes the place of common sense, and requirements start popping up for young ministers to STRIVE to attain the degrees and it becomes the FIRST prerequisite. JM Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: wayne: I have worked with medical Dr's for over 20 years
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And let me tell you, they work non-stop in their field. When they start out they are on call 24X7, they put in long hours and study non-stop to be experts in their field. Practicing and learning at the same time.

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Post subject: Eddie Robbins:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I once had someone tell me...

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Could it be that the disciples didnt have a PHD because Epson Ink Factory wasnt built back then?

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Apples and Oranges

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Post subject: sonofasoldier:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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The early disciples and apostles spent much, much time with Jesus. Can you name a teacher who teaches a PhD course more qualified or a better teacher than Jesus. Do you think Jesus could have taught a course on the law of relativity had it been important, or quantam physics or brain surgery? 3 yrs with Jesus and you have a doctoral level education. Today, not to get a higher degree of education at some level before entering ministry or continuing education while in ministry is slothfulness. It is important to know why it is important not to fear the one who can destroy the body only but do fear the One who can destroy both the body and soul in hell?I assure you I give a rip whether the pastor I sit under is educated or not and so does much of society. Why would you trust an untrained preacher but not an untrained mechanic? MD degree only has medical implications in the medical field. DMin has nothing to do with medicine but a lot to do with eternal life. Which is more important?; limited physical or eternal spiritual life.

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Post subject: Mat: The Apostle Paul ...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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The Apostle Paul had the equivalent of the highest theology degree in the Jew's tradition. You could safely say he had a doctorate in Old Testament Studies and by what the Bible records his school was accredited. I would say he had a better command of the original languages and text than any seminary could produce today. What is poignant is that Paul excelled in this schooling and moved up the denominational latter of the Jewish religion before he ever became a Christian. His view of his formal training changed radically once he learned true knowledge. As far as I can tell he never mixed his former titles with his current calling in an effort to gain position, prestige or to legitimize his preaching.So why do we feel the need to have titles such as Doctor, Bishop and Apostle as a qualifier for leadership?

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Post subject: Ernie Long: What are the eternal benefits of having a "Doctorate?"
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Can anyone provide stats on who has led more people to Christ between someone who has a Degree in Ministry and someone who doesn't? or who has laid hands and prayed for the sick? or which one has cast out more demons?Sonofasoldier wrote, If I'm dying spiritually, get me a Dr of ministry who can help me know for sure with rightly divided doctrine that I can have eternal life. Really??I'll take a person who can get a hold of God over someone who can get a hold of a book any day of the week.Just another example of the church being more like the world. Education over the Anointing.I'm glad this type of thinking wasn't around sixty years ago, because there are a lot of us who wouldn't be saved and serving the Lord today if it was.God: Who told you about my Son?Saint: My PastorGod: Did he rightly divided doctrine?Saint: YesGod: Did he have a Degree in Ministry?Saint: No, I don't think so.God: Sorry, can't let you in HeavenSaint: Why???God: Because, according to man, only a person who has a degree can rightly divide my Word.Saint: But, according to 2 Timothy 2:15You said all I have to do is Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.God: Ok, you got Me, come on in

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Post subject: Methocostal: Re: I have worked with medical Dr's for over 20 years
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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A friend of mine and me took a class on Ettiquette back in the 1970's because it was an easy A and was in the Home EC Department so we thought we would be quite popular as the only boys in class, but that is my ADD affliction now as I am off subject But, if I recall correctly, except in class, the only socially appropriate use of Dr. in a casual setting is a Medical Doctor. That is, PhD's could put it on their letterhead, etc, but should refrain on being called Doctor except in a classroom setting. However, I doubt they teach that as one of the requirements to earn one's PhD Interestingly, I don't think MD's in England (and perhaps Europe) go by Dr. except in their medical practice.

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