Trump may not pull any punches. I think he can develop the politicians' skill of not answering the actual question and saying what he wants to say without making it seem like he didn't answer the question. I think Trump can go in there without pulling any punches, and pointing out problems with Ben Ghazi, emails, donations to the Clinton foundation, etc. He just needs to really memorize some facts about these things to knock down rebuttals. He needs to improve in that area.I think the masses apprecaite that he isn't cowtowing to PC culture (by PC I mean 'politically correct', not the Clint Eastwood interpretation of those words.) But he takes it too far in saying things deemed a bit racist or prejudiced against religion. Some things you should keep to yourself and use them to inform your policy, like imigration and religion. He does need to learn to be more of a politician in this regard, IMO.... to have more of a filter between his brain and his mouth.If he goes out there and hammers on Hillary's weaknesses, touches on sore spots about the economy, and if he can come across as just maybe a slight bit 'nice', fair, and trustworthy, he should beat her. Hillary Clinton is a dream candidate to run against, IMO, but in some ways, so is Donald Trump