Why is there is so much anxiety and fear going on today? In my opinion there are several causes. Social Media - Social media has become filled with trolls and hateful speech. Originally it was for expression but now trolls try and shut that down. Bullying T.V. programming - Kids are watching the reality TV and believe they are real instead of their on family. In 99.9% of families, dad's don't become mom's, your not famous because the only talent you have is to take clothes off. Romance doesn't start off with a house full of women/men and you narrow it down to one within a few weeks to marry them Gaming - Gaming has even affected grown adults to the point it is getting them in trouble with their employers. People are getting hurt walking into things playing a GAME.
YEP! I am one of the lucky ones. I went deaf, so out went the TV. Now I can hear again, I have no desire to watch it again. I am lucky. I go to FB to wish folk a Happy Birthday (even close friends I don't know, LOL) So I don't get involved,........... Oh I forgot, I spend a lot of time on ACTS, I get stressed at people who don't believe exactly like I do.