Eddie, this here is the honest truth. I was standin in line at Wal-Mart, with all the lines like 4-5 buggies deep, so I pull out ma i-phone, click on Acts an read this post. I laughed till I literally had to turn around so the folk in front of me wouldn't think I was laughin at them. Son, at was hilarious. I can just see ole Benny healin all em lumps what was in them purses.Funniest thing of all is that they is folk right here on Acts what ifn ole Benny did do something like this, they would swaller it hook, line & sinker. You laugh, now just wait until you have a big bulge in your wallet and you don't have the faith to get it removed. When that happens remember to call me, BR549 I don't mean to be sacrilegious, I don't know Hinn. I have only seen him once when my wife was channel surfing years ago when we watched TV. But in my heart I felt a sickness. I find it hard to think positive about the man. Some facts but mostly just my
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