Bro James:I appreciate what you posted here. Growing up in the church I was always mesmerized by anointed preachers/evangelists/singers, etc. As I got older, I got to know some of the people that mesmerized me and I found out that outside church they were like me . Their life wasn't always always dedicated to prayer and bible reading and fasting and feeding the poor and taking care of widows..........I have even watched preachers who I knew were not called, start pastoring a church and do very well. This confused me because somewhere along the line I adopted the notion that God only selects the perfect. Boy was I wrong.I came to the conclusion that I was wrong when I realized, I had been called by God and I knew I was not perfect. I know my struggles and I know my failures but, I have led 1000 or more people to Christ, I have baptized many people, I have preached many sermons, taught many lessons, spent countless hours helping the poor/sick/needy/ widows/ children, I have planted a church, I pastor a strong church, I have helped start a church in El-Salvador, I have laid hands on people and they were healed......