Some times there is NO CHOICE. Any pastor who doesn't recognize problematic church situations and know that there have been times a Man of God has had no choice after searching his heart, than to exit a denomination and form a community or independent church, has his head in the sand. On this very Forum I have read from present pastors in the COG that an overseer lied to them or misrepresented something. Not a good testimony to our form of government.If I, in my loose connection to the COG, have seen this, then most of our COG ministers have seen it also. I use my dad as an example probably too many times but he was self educated (with God's help) his formal education was 3rd grade, he had to quit school to work on a North Georgia farm, in the early 1900's. He Organized his first church in the COG, then pastored 6 more churches in his 50+ years. EVERY church he pastored grew. He had a philosophy that he passed on to me when I thought I was called to preach.Son, try not to go in debt, God's people will feed you. There will NEVER be a problem that cannot be solved with prayer and tears as long as you do not care who gets the credit. As far as I know he never had a member leave his church disgruntled. There was never a split. He had no problem in apologizing, even if he was not wrong, he knew he could have been misunderstood. He fellow shipped with two men who organized independent churches. He told me, Son they were given no choice.Our organization has lost some GOOD men. In the past few years we have lost some good churches. I must think, administration hurts ourselves. Animosity is NOT Godly. Some facts but mostly just my
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