We need more evidence/info than that.There are so many gender qualities that are based out of traditions and cultural pressure. In our own culture, if a girl is athletic, outdoor-sy, and prefers pants to a dress-- she is a tomboy or ridiculed as something worse. Likewise, a boy that prefers to stay inside, read, play an instrument, cook, etc. is a momma's boy or labeled as something worse. Women belong in the home. Men should mow the grass. Women should do the laundry. Men should change the oil in the car. Women should clean the bathroom. Men should make more money. Women should make (and take care of) more babies. I have personally listened to, enjoyed and learned to disagree with Shane Claiborne, Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, Tony Campolo and others. I have some major differences with several that I listed and others that I didn't. One thing that I have appreciated about each of them is that they have made me think and think about what I believe and what I think that I know. This is what University is for. University isn't a production line for uniformity and group think. University is for building individuals who go back out into various and sundry fields, locations and occupations, creating and innovating, building upon the individuals gifts and strengths and in the process giving the University a reputation of being a destination place for this process to be successfully played out over and over again.It should not threaten us that the world thinks differently than we do. It shouldn't threaten us that parts of the Body function and think differently than we do. Someone from the stage of the General Council said it very well, our young COG generation has options outside of the COG to be a part of great organizations that are planting churches, doing Mission and making a difference for the Kingdom. I would like for them to stay with us, the COG. We can't accomplish this by clinching our fists. Thanks to the proliferation of blogs, conferences and digital learning, our people have access to more thinkers and writers than ever before. Standing in our proverbial lawn while shaking a fist to the sky and yelling, Get off my lawn, won't accomplish anything. Teaching our children that there are views out there different than our own and to engage those views inside and outside the church in the manner that Jesus would is what education is all about. Granted, my degree comes from a large, state University and not from a small, private Christian school but from my perspective, Dr. Conn and Lee University are to be applauded and celebrated for teaching a Christian work-force to think and to engage. Just my honest opinion Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8