This was the actual slogan posted of a COG (name removed of course, I'm not attacking the church, its a great one afaik). As the years of seeker friendly church in America have begun taking their toll on what I see as the ever increasing theological liberalization of the American evangelical church, I begin to wonder if the tide will ever turn back. I recently saw a friend who I believe to be very conservative and a good pastor put up a sign that said something that disturbed me. I do not think he has measured the scope of what he said against NT truth, but it seems he (and possibly the majority) of the modern church, has bought into the idea that people need to be included in fellowship with the church whether they believe or not, when, in a nutshell, the opposite is true. The fellowship of the believers and their love for one another is to be the thing that unbelievers see and, a. know that they are Christ's (John 13:35) , and b. will want to be part of that and find out how (by coming to Christ themselves). Their fellowship within the Church was so important that dis-fellowship was used as a deterrent to open sin (1 Corinthians 5:5). Of course I am NOT advocating to not love the sinner, but that is part of evangelism (personal and public), which is not the same as the fellowship of believers within the body. Amos 3:3How can two walk together unless they agree?Possibly (hopefully), many who make statements like the opening quote don't really mean belong in a way of being equal and having input and say into what the church is and does, but obviously from the direction of some denominations and independents alike, this is indeed what is playing out. Unbelievers are being equally yoked and having say or at least influence in the direction of the church. Leaders are so worried about not appearing different than the world that they make their church appear to be just a lodge or town meeting. At the least they are guilty of false advertisement, at worst they have really become just a local hangout. I don't prescribe to the we want everyone to think we are just like them so they will feel comfortable way of thinking. I for one think that seeing love, holiness, and peculiarity among the body is one of the things that actually DOES attract the unbeliever. Great post Uncle JD! As a pastor, I desire for anyone who feels led and we invite everyone, to come! There are even things they can belong to and do immediately but other things that we reserve for fellow believers that we know well (sounds like a Scriptural admonition to me). We don't care what your last name is, where you come from, what you did last night, how much money you've got, what color you are, what sin you commit-- you are welcome! BUT we are not a lodge, community center or club... we are the Church. We are a place to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference. Too many want and preach a gospel without change and transformation. There is nothing cheap about Grace. There is nothing cheap about what Jesus has done for me and for us! We are called to be salt and light! Anyway, amen Uncle JD Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8