Sadly, one of our posters made a derogatory remark about our Brother in Christ and fellow minister, Perry Stone. One of our regular posters brought it to my attention. I so much regret it when someone uses this board to trash someone else. That kind of behavior is uncalled for. It is vicious, and totally unChristian.Scripture admonishes us to be kind to each other... That is a Scriptural command that almost all of us can follow. I think the KJV says it stronger when it proclaims Be ye kind therefore one unto another, tenderhearted... There really isn't anything tenderhearted about trashing someone's good name.It is COMPLETELY in order to disagree with what someone says. Apostle Paul disagreed with Apostle Peter concerning a proposed requirement that Gentile believers must be circumcised. Thank God he did! If that had become the requirement, every church visitors packet would come with a scapel. If we think there are not enough men in church now...just sayin.I have known Perry since he was a teenager starting out in ministry. He has a heart for God. I am an admirer of the powerful work the Lord is using Perry to do in reaching people. I am an admirer of his writing and organizational abilities. Most of all, I appreciate his dedication and faithfulness to Christ. Perry and I don't live close to each other. I seldom see him these days because of that, but every time I have been in fellowship with him, it has been a good experience. I look forward to when we can be in fellowship again.Most likely, Perry does not agree with every word I write. If I looked really hard, I probably could dig up something he has said with which I disagree. But this dynamic Man Of God is often used powerfully to reach the lost, the hurting and people who have been discouraged. I pray the Lord would raise up more men like him.It is an honor to be one of Perrys Brothers in the Lord. Blessing to you Brother Perry. Doyl