once again you read a predisposed position into a passage to draw your own conclusion...thanks for reminding me why I don't read your posts. Mark, I have a question for you:Is there only one way to read & interpret the scriptures & if so are you sure your way is the only sincere way to read them? Absolutely no provocation or malice in my inquiry, I'm just asking.I like the way Brad expounds on grace & I don't like the way most pastors ignore it or avoid it like it's the untouchable subject of canon.You even went out of your way to write a post & remind Brad as to why you don't read his posts. So it's just a question as to what makes your style of comprehension thee style & what do you base your understanding of God's word on? Perhaps there are better or worse interpretations, applications, but when you read into a passage of Scripture a meaning that isn't there, Work out the idea of saving your life, your righteousness. Work out the leaven of pharisees (Gal 5:4-10), the idea that you can save yourself and establish your own righteousness. Nice pun on the expression work out but that isn't what is being implied by the passage. So, occasionally I read to see what has been posted and generally don't respond because of reading into a passage a particular theme that isn't there, and like almost always it is a placing the The Law in a bad light.Brad and I don't disagree on salvation and faith, but I believe the Law, Prophets, and the Writings are all inspired by God and have merit. All I have ever asked for is a balanced presentation.Brad is on some sort of crusade to continually bash and works-based position. I believe we are saved by faith and not works of righteousness, but I don't spend my efforts on continuously bashing God's Word.Grace is indeed a legitimate position to take and expound upon.Is my way the only sincere way to read them? No. Does it do the Scriptures a disservice by presenting an unbalanced presentation (a question you didn't ask)? Yes God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led