So would Cruz, Jeb, Rubio or any of the others. They all would have lost the blue collar white vote with their support of bogus trade treaties. Cruz would be standing firm on immigration and that's about it.They all would be withering under a media blitz of one distracting bogus attack after another. They would all, except Cruz maybe, be too afraid to go after Hillary. Jeb and Kasich will no doubt be voting for Hillary. However, I still have little hope of a Trump victory. People point to his crowds and Hillary's lack of crowds. But Obama got no crowds in 2012 and still got over 50% of the vote when most polls showed him with 48-49%. Democrats have such a handicap right out of the gate now that they don't need crowds or enthusiasm to win. Trump is doing much better than any other GOP candidate would have done, but it won't be enough. Even if Trump prevails, he will be little more than a reprieve. The future of liberty is still Texas reclaiming her status in the world as an independent country