It does not matter who the GOP nominee would be. Cruz, Kasich, Ted...they'd all be getting hammered. The difference is, Trump is the only one I've ever seen who would keep coming back swinging. From all I'm seeing I believe the election is rigged. I'm not saying we should stay home on election day. But Trump would actually have to be 10 points ahead in every swing State to wind up winning the official tally be one point. We are now past the point we can keep our country without civil disobedience at least.The American Revolution actually began in 1765. For eleven years the Colonies did everything short of shedding blood in order to force the British to negotiate. They did not want to separate from Great Britain. They simply wanted the British Constitution to be upheld. Some people don't realize this. Even after the Revolutionary War began in 1775, there still was resistance to the idea of independence. But then a man traveled from England in 1774 by the name of Thomas Paine. He wanted to observe the situation in the Colonies for himself. After much consideration, he penned booklet called Common Sense, reasoning that it was futile for the Colonists to try to remain part of the Empire, and that forming an entirely new country was the only solution. This booklet had a profound impact on the Revolution. John Adams said, If it had not been for the pen of Paine, Washington would have raised his sword in vain.Pastors, it is time for action. No, it is not quite time to pick up the sword. But it is time to educate yourself and others. Yes, some will say that Jesus is coming and we should focus on winning souls blah blah blah. But do you really expect anyone to start evangelizing more than the mere 2% of Evangelicals who have ever shared their faith with anyone? Are we really going to reason away our duty? Was not the majority of Colonists made up of Christians who also believed in the second coming of Christ? Somehow, they did not see that as a reason not to resist tyranny. Somehow they did not see the need to choose between winning souls and preserving liberty. Who do we think we are? Are we better than they? If Jesus chooses not to return for another 100 years, your posterity will be living in a hell you might have prevented. It is time to elect our own, right from our pews. But our focus must not be to send them to Congress or the White House. Rather, we must send them to our State Houses and Governor's mansions. The Imperial Governors and Legislators loyal to Washington and the NWO must be replaced with those loyal to the Constitution, those who will fight for us. Say what you will about Trump. He did not have to take on this head ache. He had nothing to gain by doing so. Everybody thought he'd drop out when the going got tough. But he didn't. Whatever flaws he might have, he is not afraid to fight back and for that he has my admiration. What about