I think he probably is leading enough in most battle ground States to win. The polls are Democrat propaganda IMO. But I must confess that I am now in the conspiracy camp that says by voter fraud he will lose, even if the polls showed him ten points ahead. This is going to be a rigged election. There is no doubt anymore.If he does pull it out, Obama will claim the Russians hacked the polling machines and invalidate the election. Would the media object to that? Would the Hillary voters? No. Very possible but I felt the exact same way back when Daddy Bush was running 2nd term election to a nobody governor named Clinton. I ignored the polls & believed Bush would sweep.Man I was depressed for days after that & I lost total confidence in the conservative base. So far the polls are still the same & the conservative base is up to it's same old tricks again. Nothing has changed!Out of all of this the claim she made about having open borders within 100 days of her presidency is un-nerving. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!