I have a coworker who has finished half a PhD in political science. I mentioned to him Trump's support of term limits. I expressed some of my concerns about term limits. First of all, it is an admission that democracy isn't working. He said we already have a mechanism for term limits. It is called elections. But people always want term limits for that other candidate, not for their own.I also expressed my concern with term limits guaranteeing that we had people in power who did not know what they were doing. We then discussed the problem of term limits increasing the president's power. He agreed and pointed at Mexico as an example.I was concerned that term limits remove incentives for good behavior. He said that in Mexico, toward the end of their term, national representatives often just stop working. We complain about our politicians spending time away from their work to campaign, but they at least try to do stuff for their constituents even while campaigning. In Mexico, term-limited politicians are busy looking for another job. At least, if we have no term limits, the politicians probably aren't going to look for another job while in office. Term limits also encourages politicians to use their elected role as a means of securing a job after their term is over, which can open them up to more lobbyist and other types of influence. A lot of employees who know it is their last week will call in sick or steal the paperclips