He is, of course, great to his hardcore supporters. And he is, of course, bad to his hardcore haters (or non-supporters). But I get so tired of hearing people that are so slanted to the right or left that they can't even hear plain reason.I don't know much about the left, but the RIGHT WACKOS were always going on about how Obama was going to take our guns away, was a Muslim, hated America, and on and on...believing and re-posting virtually ANY junk they heard about Obama or his wife. They are every bit as much in error as the left-wing wackos.Obama will almost certainly go down as a president that falls largely in the middle of the pack--maybe even the upper middle. He will almost certainly NOT be considered one of the worst. Why? Because no major wars broke out, no earthquake-level mistakes, etc. There were plenty of mistakes to those of us on the right, but most of our issues might have been politically motivated.As for the healthcare issue, I think most people will believe that his intentions were well-placed. To this day, I'm not sure how much of it was bad policy...and how much of it was the healthcare companies doing all they could to sabotage it. We may never know. But, again, I think his intentions were good.