From what the news reports are saying, he was driving much faster than the posted speed limit, and lost control. They also say he just became a bus driver back in April. While to some his inexperience might explain his recklessness a bit, in my mind it only makes his recklessness all the more unbelievable, since the absolute number one emphasis every day in school bus driving school is SAFETY. The bus driving school I attended (which is basically supposed to be virtually identical to all bus driving schools, as Commercial Driver Licenses are federally regulated), made it clear to us that there is almost never an accident that is unavoidable for the alert, careful, law-abiding school bus driver. It certainly was easily avoidable in this sad case. If he would have just done his job right, with safety always in mind like he had been trained to and had to know he was supposed to, this tragedy would never have happened.